Natural antioxidant active ingredients; 100% Australian Dromaius Novae-Hollandiae. Research has shown this is the ONLY oil that can penetrate past the epidermis layer to the dermal layer, It works on cellular DNA level to regenerate collagen & elastin. Extremely moisturizing and will NOT clog your pores, it is NON-COMEDOGENIC. Please READ "PRODUCT INFO" Below & "Oil Effects On Skin" to see ALL its BENEFITS! Highly suggested to use daily on a regular yearly basis. You will be glad you did as you age.
24K Gold Facial Recovery Serum
Calculated at checkout. Free shipping for orders over $90. (excludes international shipping).
Like other substances that are high in fat, carrier oils have a limited shelf life. It’s important to store oils in their original air-tight containers in a cool, dark place, such as the pantry, to maximize shelf life. Average shelf life upon receiving is 2 years.
Before purchasing please note that all information contained within Di Vini Essence Skincare store and this page are for reference purposes only and are not intended to substitute the advice given by a pharmacist, physician, or any other licensed health-care professional. Although, I thoroughly research the medical science behind my products. Our products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. All our products are for external use only. Unless your Medical Doctor allow you to use this product it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner. The information on this page is has been compiled from published sources and is provided only as a guide. Although every effort has been taken to ensure that information published on this page is correct and up to date, Di Vini Essence Skincare cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information presented, and accepts no liability in respect of any omission or error. The customer should always satisfy themselves as to the ultimate suitability of a product for an intended application. Di Vini Essence Skincare accepts no liability in the unlikely event of an adverse reaction occurring when using one of its products. All facts, details & recommendations on our page are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals. Our products are not a medication, and we can only make recommendation for suitability of our products in certain conditions. Any recommendations accepted by a purchaser are accepted entirely at the purchasers’ risk. By purchasing our products you accept responsibility to check with a professional before using any products that may interfere with drugs or medical conditions. By purchasing our products you recognize and accept the fact that that some natural ingredients, essential oils in particular, may still cause sensitivity in susceptible individuals and that Di Vini Essence Skincare will not be held responsible for such occurrences. We encourage those with sensitive skin to make a patch test on the skin for possible reactions. Di Vini Essence Skincare accepts no responsibility for incorrect use of information or products.
Di Vini Essence Botanical Skincare products are botanically & organically sourced, 100% pure, helping to leave your skin looking rejuvenated and refreshed. With all the natural oils and butters on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Di Vini Essence Botancial products purify, moisturize and rejuvenate your skin!
The use of 24K gold in this oil has been known to lift and firm the skin. While slowing down collagen depletion and the breakdown of elastin. The properties in this oil have been known to prevent sagging skin while stimulating cellular growth of the skin cells to regenerate tight, firm skin. The Aborigines have used the Emu for thousands of years.It hydrates and soothes dry skin: close to human sebum, it is one of the most effective oils for the skin and the only oil to penetrate the epidermal skin layer that why it is so effective in regenerating collagen and elastin. It is recommended for people who have mature, aging wrinkled, dry skin, rosacea, acne & cystic acne. This odorless, non-irritating ingredient moistens and conditions the texture of the skin, leaving it hydrated and moisturized.
NON-COMEDOGENIC, where it lives bacteria cannot live. Perfect for cystic acne.
The benefits of emu oil are long lasting, even after repetitive washing of the skin. When applied to the skin, pure Aborigine Australian Emu oil is long-lasting and remains on the skin even after scrubbing and washing. This is great during dry, cold winter conditions that may affect the moisture levels on your skin.
Soothing for Sensitive: This oil contains natural antioxidants & omega 3,6,9 that help soothe and correct skin issues. Pure Aborigian Australian Emu oil has shown to be very soothing on sensitive, delicate, or mature skin, making it a great moisturizing option for those that need that natural moisture boost. Do not be fooled by ebay and amazon Emu Oil. As a licensed Esthetician I bring you the real thing.
Our "Facial Recovery Serum" professional grade, no fillers, is 6x refined, with Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3, 6, and 9 and with natural antioxidants. It is good for all skin types. It regenerates cell turnover quicker, so it aides in collagen and elastin production. It contains 20% Linoleic acid which is why it a wonderful healing agent for scaly itching skin like psoriasis and dermatitis. It is anti-inflammatory, improving inflammatory symptoms. It is bacteria static, meaning, where it lives, bacteria cannot live. 100% Pure Vitamin E which also aides skin on a cellular level. It protects skin from sun, preventing signs of aging, nourish & protects, reduces itchiness and flakiness found in conditions as eczema & psoriasis. We all know its good for scarring and stretch marks, it has many benefits we need this antioxidant.
Both oils are perfect for problamatic skin, such as Psoriasis and Rosacea, cystic and acne prone skin. I have not had a client yet that it did not stop P-acne, cystic acne bacteria growth. It is hands down the best oil for your skin. Our skin will decide which oil it likes the most and remember that skin takes two weeks to turn over so anything that pops up between week 1-2 was already going to happen.
Why use an serum/oil? Face creams contain 80% water, or greater, making them less concentrated than OILS which are 100% active ingredients. Creams also have ingredients that can cause irritation or that are in a form that skin can’t easily absorb. Oils absorb deeper than heavy butters and creams to depositing moisture and actives, and more effectively balancing and regulating skin’s natural oil production.
Use sparingly, it only takes a LITTLE BIT, use alone at night as last step in skincare regimen (or before creams.)
Dromaius Novae- Hollandiai oil. Ingredient is 100% It is CCD organic certified through the USDA organic regulations, 7 CFR part 205 Santa Ana, California 92705. 100% organic and refined 6x to pull out all impurities.
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